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Lawn Maintenance: Monitor for rodent damage on trees and protect plants and lawns from road and sidewalk salt when possible. Select and order spring plants.
Lawn Maintenance: While the lawn is still dormant, consider tuning up the lawnmower and other equipment. Keep an eye out for salt and snow damage.
Lawn Maintenance: Watch out for snow mold and clear matted leaves as the snow recedes. Treat salt-damaged grass and check your irrigation system.
Lawn Maintenance: Prune and remove dead branches. Protect plants from late frosts. If crabgrass is an issue, apply a pre-emergent herbicide.
Lawn Maintenance: It’s time for frequent mowing and maintenance. Consider aerating and fertilizer as needed. Control dandelions with spot treatment.
Lawn Maintenance: Watch for slugs and snails in the yard. Mow regularly and irrigate as needed. Deadhead perennials to encourage new blooms.
Lawn Maintenance: Maintain grass at about 2.5 – 3.5” and irrigate if needed. Check for grubs and apply insecticide if necessary. Add mulch if desired.
Lawn Maintenance: In mid-August, reseed thin patches or bare spots in your grass. Irrigate to encourage growth if needed.
Lawn Maintenance: Begin fall cleanup of leaves and branches, and trim plants back for the fall. Continue monitoring for grubs.
Lawn Maintenance: If dandelions or other broadleaf weeds are a problem, blanket herbicides can be applied. Continue mowing to mulch leaves.
Lawn Maintenance: After the last mowing of the season, fertilizer may be applied. Leaves should be mulched by mowing or raked up.
Lawn Maintenance: Continue cleanup if the weather allows. Some thin-barked trees and shrubs may need protection (and decoration!).
At Seeder & Co., we take pride in serving our community and providing top-quality landscaping services at a reasonable price. Our family has devoted over ninety years and four generations (so far!) to helping our neighbors and friends create beautiful outdoor spaces that complement and enhance the natural beauty of southwest Michigan. Whether you’re planting a beautiful flower garden, building a retaining wall, or maintaining a large commercial property, we can help. Our team is highly professional and well-trained.